Pre-Tan Care

Before Your Appointment

Exfoliate skin 48-24 hours prior to your appointment – The best way to do this is with a body scrub and exfoliating gloves. This will ensure that skin will be smooth and ready to accept coloring.

Do all shaving/waxing/mani/pedi’s at least 24 hours before a spray tan appointment – Shaving and waxing after a spray tan will cause color loss due to the shedding of dead skin layers that occurs during the depilatory process.

Do not apply any products to the skin before getting airbrushed–  Avoid using deodorant, moisturizer, perfume or anything else on the day you come in for your spray tan. This is because some substances may react with the spray tan and cause unexpected discoloration.

Bring loose-fitting clothes to the salon – This will minimize the chance that a spray tan will rub against clothing and cause streaking or uneven tone.

Wear either your bathing suit or something you feel comfortable tanning in.

*If you are under the age of 18, please either have your legal guardian attend the appointment with you or download and have them fill out the this Registration&LegalGuardianWaiver.  Please bring the form to your appointment.

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