Getting Ready for School!!

12 Aug


Gosh, it seems as if the summer flew by!  Now is the time to start getting organized, school supply shopping and clothes shopping.  For me, this year is bittersweet.  My little girl is going to be starting preschool, after being home with me since birth!  I’m excited, nervous and sad.  Also, my son is growing up too fast and I realized the other day, he only has 6 more years and his primary education days are over!!  Okay, okay, enough about me, lets get to organizing!!

Tips for back to school:

Plan/Redo Your Schedule – Summer is full of lazy days; waking up late, staying up late, etc.  Now is the time to get your kiddos back on track.  Start by setting a bedtime and each night, putting them to bed ten minutes early until you reach that *goal* bedtime.  Also, decide when lunches will be made, the night before or in the morning?  Plan this chore out because it will throw your schedule off if your scrambling in the morning! 

Create a “Central Command” – With school comes an influx of papers.  Create an area where you can easily see “Homework” and “Take Home Papers”.  Also located in “Central Command” should be a family calendar, preferably dry eraser, so that you can schedule all activities and projects here for the family.

Organize School Lunch – Plan a menu for your kids lunch that they will be taking to school.  Let them get involved with lunch planning!  I get alot of my lunch ideas from 100 Days of Real Food.

Adjust Your Evening – With earlier bedtimes comes earlier dinner, bath, etc!  Adjust your dinner time up by 30 minutes to an hour if possible.  So instead of a 6:30 dinner time, how about 6 or 5:30?  Click here for some easy and quick but healthy dinner ideas.

That’s it!  This is what helps me stay on track for the school year.  We all know kids need school supplies, checkups, etc. So I didn’t include that in my post 🙂  Have a great year!

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